1997-1999: Poet-in-Residence, Manhattan Beach, CA

1997-1999: Poet-in-Education, Manhattan Beach Elementary Schools.

2008: Certificate of Recognition, California Legislature: For Exemplary

         Dedication and Commitment to the Promotion of the Arts Through Literary

         Arts, Torrance, CA

 2004/2015:  Pushcart Nomination


1995: Americas Review Poetry Contest

1996: Half Tones To Jubilee, 2nd place

2001: Jane Kenyon Poetry Prize, 3rd place

2004: Spanish Moss 2004 Literary Competition

2005: Ekphrasis Prize Competition: Finalist

2007: Robert G. Cohen Prose Poetry Award

2008: Excellence in Arts Award, City of Torrance Cultural Arts Commission

2014: The Poetry Society of New Hampshire National Poetry Contest: 2nd

         and 4th place winner

2014: Spoon River Review, Editor’s Prize:  Honorable Mention

2015: Palettes and Quills 4th Biennial Chapbook Contest;     

2015: The Briar Cliff Review 19th Annual Poetry Contest